News and Events

FAST SMART M36 GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING and Training Workshop – May, 4th – 5th 2023
National Technical University of Athens - May, 4th - 5th 2023 A beautiful spring welcomed FAST SMART project in Athens for the celebration of the 36 Progress Meeting, Review Meeting and 2nd Training Session, hosted by Professor Costas Chariditis and its staff from the...
EmergeMAT – 6th International Conference – 2023, November 9th – 10th
EmergeMAT - 6th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering 2023, November 9th - 10th
ERHASE CLUSTER NEWS: First Joint Newsletter
We are pleased to announce that ERHASE has published the first joint newsletter gathering together the main achievements and news from FAST–SMART, SYMPHONY and INCOMESS projects. ERHASE is the cluster of the three projects funded in the 2019 H2020 call on energy...
LAUNCH OF THE ERHASE CLUSTER: EneRgy HArvesting for a Sustainable future
FAST SMART project is glad to announce the launch of a new international initiative related to the launch of the ERHASE cluster formed by three projects funded by the European Commission under the same action in 2019 call on energy harvesters: the FAST-SMART Project,...
FAST-SMART 18 Months Review Meeting – 19 October 2021, Online Meeting
The FAST-SMART Project had its 18 Months review meeting on the 19th of October 2021. 29 representatives from the 13 Partner organisations, along with Project Officer, Dr Achilleas Stalios, and Project Monitor attended this meeting. The project co-ordinator, Professor...
FAST-SMART 12 Months Meeting – 28 April 2021, Online Meeting
The FAST-SMART Project had its 12 Months meeting on the 28th of April 2021. 30 representatives from the 13 Partner organisations, along with Project Officer, Dr Achilleas Stalios, attended this meeting. The project co-ordinator, Professor Yi Qin from University of...
FAST-SMART Kick-off Meeting – 21 April 2020, Online Meeting
The FAST-SMART Project had its kick-off meeting on the 21st and 22nd of April 2020. 28 representatives from the 14 Partner organisations, along with Project Officer, Dr Achilleas Stalios, attended this meeting. Professor Yi Qin from University of Strathclyde gave an...

FAST SMART M36 GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING and Training Workshop – May, 4th – 5th 2023
National Technical University of Athens - May, 4th - 5th 2023 A beautiful spring welcomed FAST SMART project in Athens for the celebration of the 36 Progress Meeting, Review Meeting and 2nd Training Session, hosted by Professor Costas Chariditis and its staff from the...
ERHASE CLUSTER NEWS: First Joint Newsletter
We are pleased to announce that ERHASE has published the first joint newsletter gathering together the main achievements and news from FAST–SMART, SYMPHONY and INCOMESS projects. ERHASE is the cluster of the three projects funded in the 2019 H2020 call on energy...
Newsletter – Issue April 30th 2023
Newsletter – Issue September 15th 2022
Newsletter – Issue November 30th 2021
Newsletter – Issue April 27th 2021
Newsletter – Issue September 30th 2020
Exploitable Results
The progress beyond the state of the art and expected results until the end of the project and impact potential
Besides continuing making progress in the project, FAST-SMART consortium has a continuous roadmapping activity during the project life to monitor the state of the art of the scientific and technological developments and applications in the fields relevant to the...
The work performed during the 1st period of the project
During the first project period, the consortium has updated its technological development strategy, based on the updated information on the user needs and market opportunities. To better guide the project’s developments in materials, manufacturing and harvester...
Summary of the project context and overall objectives of the project
Using ambient energy that would otherwise be lost such as heat, light or sound, energy harvesting is well known for its applications in solar cells. Moreover, the technology has numerous new innovative uses, thanks to recent digital trends, including the Internet of...